Arda’s Words on a Blog

You've seen him on The MSG Hockey Show, but Arda Ocal has so much to say, he's now filing a weekly written piece every Monday.
35 items

A Tip of the Cap to NHL Fans

During the playoffs, I’ve had the chance to host many Rangers events, particularly at #RangersTown Square. There I have met so many passionate Blueshirt die-hards, who literally bleed blue. It’s very easy to start a “Let’s Go Rangers!” chant in there and have people sing along to the Rangers goal song. The passion is contagious. […]

Ice Madness BEGINS!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the tournament BEGINS! (Insert massive pyro display that’s deafeningly loud and looks like it cost $7 million) From today until the end of March, we will all vote and determine the greatest retro ice hockey video game of all time. Need the rules and FAQ for the tournament? Check out this post […]