NFL Hall of Famer & Cancer Survivor Advocates for Cancer Detection

On the gridiron, Mike Haynes was a feared cornerback, called by some the best cornerback in NFL history, with multiple pro bowl appearances and a 1984 Super Bowl championship ring.

Off the field, Haynes is a prostate cancer survivor.

Haynes is a spokesman for the Know Your Stats campaign, which encourages men to know their prostate cancer risk and talk to their doctor about prostate cancer testing.

For the eighth year, the NFL has teamed with the Urology Care Foundation in this effort.

In this conversation with Haynes, he discusses his prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, how the cancer was found inadvertently, and why he is now so passionate about this cause.

Being a former member of the New England Patriots, he also discusses the heyday of the Pats-Jets rivalry and his memories coming to New York to play games against the New York Sack Exchange.

Listen to our interview below:

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